WINDOWS > Aluminium Windows > DECALU 94 Retro

​The DECALU 94 RETRO system resembles visually wooden windows in an old-fashioned style. Based on the SoEasy solutions, it is the warmest window system in this category available on market. The system uses the same accessories and connectors as the basic system DECALU 88 standard. The movable post in the DECALU 94 retro system in its minimum version has a visual width of 111 mm. The fixed posts and mullions are glued directly onto the glass and correspond visually to the oval shape of the main profiles of the frames and sashes.
Technical data
installation depth 94mm
max. glass thickness 72mm
Uw ≤ 0,9 W/m2*K
combination with the movable post 111.5mm
frame and sash combination 83mm
Powder Coating
Our collection includes timeless matt finishes, elegant structures, sophisticated metallic paint as well as special effects such as anodal paint and wood effect.
Coating Quality and Resistance
Powder varnishing ensures a more uniform coating and higher resistance to abrasion, mechanical damage and UV radiation than the so called wet coating, which allows to maintain aesthetic qualities and colour durability for years
The powder coating technology, thanks to the possibility to retrieve unused paint, is the most beneficial for environmental protection. Combined with the cutting edge technology and no need to use solvents, it ensures maximum safety also when it comes to ecology.
Wide Colour Range and Optional Coating Structures
The offer includes dozens of colours as well as structural coating, which enables a perfect arrangement of the building and product functionality (by giving smoothness or roughness)
Environmental Protection
innovative systems or rotary doors in the oven that minimizes heat loss
low temperature degreasing and digestion
their own waste water treatment plant complying with stringent EU requirements
cutting edge system of paint feeding ensuring almost 100% product use
close water circulation with the capacity of 12000 litres per hour
not using products containing Cr (VI)