DOORS > PVC Composite Doors > Additional Features

With over 20 years of experience in production of composite glass, we have a very wide range of glass that may equip your windows and doors. They fulfill strict requirements regarding energy efficiency and sound insulation. The offer also includes safe, anti-theft, sun screening glass, as well as glass with low transparency. There is also an option to apply polycarbonate and fillings.

Door Handles
Knob-handles and hand-rails used for entrance doors stand out for great aesthetic qualities as well as functionality and durability. They give the option to match them with the door and building colors thanks to the various colors.

Low Back Door Threshold
Back doors have a low threshold that facilitates utilization and it prevents buckling between the door and the floor. The special structure of the thermally separated threshold and profiles enhances thermal insulation and constitutes a barrier against thermal bridges.

Sandblasted Glass
The possibility of using sandblasted glass allows you to obtain any graphic patterns indicated by the customer - matte shapes on a transparent glass or transparent ones on a matte glass. This is done thanks to the technology that uses a stream of sand under high pressure.