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The modern and resistant aluminium doors that represent elegant design and high safety level


  1. Doors in MB-70HI system feature higher level of thermal insulation resulting from the application of special insulation inserts and thermal breaks as well as gaskets made of EPDM two-component synthetic rubber: solid and cellular.

  2. Doors made in this system are a great solution also for energy-efficient building.

  3. Possibility to choose from the wide RAL color range.

  4. High-class fittings applied in the aluminum doors give great protection against burglary. 

Technical Data

Profile System

Profiles have a three-chamber structure with the constructional depth 70 mm with a thermal barrier made of polyamide that is reinforced with glass fiber and with special inserts that insulate inside the section and the space between window panes in MB-70HI.



3-point automatic espagnolette MACO; hinges made of drawn aluminum which stands out with great durability. Optionally lock with one point latch bolt.


Spacer frame

Steel galvanized spacer frame in standard, optionally Swisspacer Ultimate available in various colour options.



Glass and cover gaskets made of EPDM in standard.


Colour range

According to the RAL color range and wood-grain coating from Aluprof ColorCollection



Glass packages are available with thickness up to 50mm; one-chamber glass package with thermal transmittance Ug = 1,0 W/(m2K) according to the PN-EN674 norm in standard; the possibility to apply a three-glass package with Ug = 0,5 W/(m2K) or four-glass with krypton with Ug = 0,3 W/(m2K); the possibility to apply glasses with enhanced sound insulation, tempered,  safety, anti-burglary, ornament or solar protective.


MB-70HI Door Models

Colour Range

RAL Colour Chart
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